Saturday, October 4, 2008

The dance

Fuck me. Oh I can pretty it up but no matter how I put it, it’ll be the same result. He won’t accept it that directly, I’m sure. We’ll have to dance around the topic and it’ll take him a while to get up the nerve to approach it. Somewhere along there my patience always snaps. He’s still thinking about the warm-up and I’m ready for the main course. If I get two seconds of leeway from him, where I can lead instead of follow its all over and the guy will never know what hit him. I’ll destroy him.

By the time he’s realized that the switches are all set to go, the buttons have all been hit and the system is running at full steam he’ll be mush. Start feeling it’s a sure thing – and it is to a point – and think its oh so easy… and then when he’s thinking any girl would be content he’ll learn rather quickly the difference between them and the woman in me. I’m older than he, and that’s some of it. I’m not looking for the same thing his high school sweetheart wanted; I want the full ride and then some. But he doesn’t even know what that means yet.

Right when the young’un will think he’s about done I’ll be warmed up and the boy will be pushed past what he thought were the limits. The learning curve will be steep, but if he can keep up with the running, the finish line will amaze him. If he can keep the motor going, he’ll have one of the most educational nights of his life. To hell with the game tomorrow, he’ll take the night instead and sleep through the next day to make up for it.

I’ll want it all. The soft nips, the hard pounding, the rolling and moving, the slapping and tasting, the touching and teasing, every bit of the taking and giving. He’ll leave knowing he’s been fucked and how. He’ll go home to a life that no longer looks the same, and have no way to explain it either. Everything hes learned he won’t be able to tell, and the tricks and bits he’ll want to try again will need to be crammed into his everyday life; Suddenly what was good before will seem wanting and the discontent he’ll have will be intense.

We’ll surface at the same place again – and he’ll be right back where he was – except now he knows what he’s missing. And because it’ll all be blurry to start with, brain boggled by the last time, he’ll start out on the same path trying to find his way through the maze. No matter which way he goes, the boy is in over his head, a night or a summer, doesn’t matter which. The road signs are hidden and the path is full of turns. If he gets lucky, he’ll find his way. Or give me room enough to create my own path and I'll show him the way.

Come on fella, Fuck me.

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