Thursday, September 25, 2008

It starts with a simple story...

Reading the stories, it’s easy enough to plug yourself into them. The other player in the story becomes someone else every time – or perhaps you’ll put together a fantasy person to play with. But then take the idea out and look at it with another, Share it, discuss the details, and soon the fantasy takes on some hard edges. A simple conversation about an imagined event can start the juices flowing and you get a little heated. Possibility abounds in your mind, the story is set aside, and life goes on. Then one day fast forward to an unexpected opportunity and the dance begins. A little flirting, a little more, one step leads to many; the evening takes on a bright shiny glow. You take a turn off the usual path, take a few more steps and suddenly it occurs to you here’s the story! Not Exactly, not perfectly; Things are slightly off, the elements of it are all there… a bit from the discussion, a tad into the imagined version of the story taken off the page. A little further, you think there is no way you will go there…and then you do. Not only do you find yourself in a place you never planned to be at, but you go right past the original spot. The thoughts inspired by the story not only live, but become a much bigger event. The treasured memory is oh so much hotter than any fictional tale; more than the discussion about it; the memory totally explodes the boundaries you had set for the fantasy.

What does it say when the fantasy is duller than your reality?

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